Lambda Legal just released this video that follows the (sorry, but,) stupid “Shit [fill in the blank] People Say” meme, “Sh*t Homophobic People Say.” As you know,...
NOM President Brian Brown, a full week after Dan Savage invited him, Mrs. Brown, and their children, to dinner in the Savage’s home, has finally accepted...
Matt Barber of the Liberty Counsel today on his radio show said that “President Obama has called Jesus a ‘liar'” by invoking His name in support of same-sex marriage,...
Dr. Keith Ablow is worried that gay bullies will now attack him for penning a column today that supports an already debunked, flawed research paper which...
Christian leaders are outraged at last night’s U.S. Senate passage of the defense authorization bill that includes a repeal of a military law that prohibits sodomy, and,...
SB 48, California’s FAIR Education Act, is this year’s Prop 8. You have absolutely no idea how incredibly organized the anti-gay hate groups are on this...
The Family Research Council’s FRC Action PAC — which is the “legislative arm” of the FRC, an SPLC-certified anti-gay hate group — has just released their...
Why does MSNBC insist that the leader of a certified hate group listed along with the KKK — the Family Research Council (FRC) — is a...
Republican Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona says that straight marriages deserve “special” rights, and says that gay marriage a “threat to the nation’s survival.” In a radio...
“One teen a week in Arizona will die by suicide.” 26,000 teens in Arizona attempt suicide each year an that Arizona ranks ninth in the nation for...
The so-called “pro-family” hate group, the Family Research Council, has awarded a deadbeat dad Congressman, Tea Party Freshman Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL), with a 100% “True Blue” rating...
Three years ago, in late August 2008, Republican Senator John McCain, running for president, announced he had chosen Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice presidential...
Tony Perkins’ certified anti-gay hate group Family Research Council’s Values Voters Summit kicks off Friday morning, and runs all weekend long, October 7-9. Watch live streaming...
Putting people like Pat Buchanan on television legitimizes their hateful worldview and make it much easier for like-minded bigots to find wider social acceptance. I’m not...
Yom Kippur is the most important holiday in the Jewish calendar. It is a day when you can find even the most secular of Jews in...