The Texas Attorney General has just filed a petition with the State Supreme Court to void a same-sex couple's marriage.
An effort by right wing religious groups to repeal a recently enacted equal rights ordinance in Plano, Texas has failed, because organizers failed to follow basic...
The Texas Republican Attorney General wants to "void" and nullify the state's only same-sex marriage, of a couple dealing with a spouse's cancer.
The Attorney General of Texas is insisting a same-sex couple married today is not.
Hours after a state judge today ordered that one same-sex couple be allowed to marry, the Texas Supreme Court rushed in to prevent any further marriages.
A same-sex couple in Texas has married after a county judge struck down the state's marriage ban. Video and photos.
A Texas judge has ruled the state's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, in a case where one of the plaintiffs has died.
If this newly-minted Texas pastor sounds like the Arizona pastor who called for the genocide of gays to end AIDS, there's a reason.
Two Texas Democratic lawmakers are filing bills to strike down the Lone Star State's ban on same-sex marriage.
A Texas Tea Party lawmaker is working to enshrine religious discrimination into the state constitution.
A high school student says he was lured to a local park by people he thought were his friends. They then beat him because he's gay.
The Texas Department of Public Safety has refused to grant a driver's license to the daughter of Mayor Annise Parker, because she has two mothers.
Telecommunications giant AT&T has donated $75,000 this year alone to the gubernatorial campaign of anti-gay Republican Greg Abbott of Texas.
Attorney General Greg Abbott just appealed a federal court ruling that found the Texas ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. Why? For the children.
Daniel Webb, the Texas BBQ Obama fist bumping cashier-by-day, stand-up-comedian-by-night, got the "Last Word" on MSNBC and called Gov. Rick Perry "an old queen." He had...