Lindsey Graham has decided in advance of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony that he will not change his mind on Kavanaugh.
'I Think She’s a Monster'
"He went to school and said he was gonna tell people he’s gay because he’s proud of himself."
Aunt Lydia's not happy...
Nobody puts John Roberts in a corner.
Anthony was "denied food and water, sexually abused, beaten and bruised, dangled upside-down from a staircase, forced to crouch for hours, locked in small spaces with...
Millions Will Have to Work 20 Hours Per Week
Caution: This Is Difficult to Watch and Hear
The president is lying.
Trump Claims No Politician in America’s Entire History Has Had Ever Had More Loyal Supporters
'Trump’s campaign manager is in jail pending trial. Stop saying none of this has anything to do with the Trump campaign.'
'Unethical, Meritless Motions' Avenatti Charges
Stewart calls Confederate statues "part of our identity." He was born and raised in Minnesota.
A 10-Point List Shows Trump Has Already Checked Off 7 Boxes
'The Kind of Unchecked Power Americans Have Bridled Against From the Moment They Broke With the British Monarchy'