Eure does not deny he made the remarks, but told NCRM his comments were "SARCASM."
'Unverified Allegation'
Trump is again repeating his very false claim that nearly eight out of ten decisions by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals are overturned by the...
"The more Trump talks, the more the DOW Jones and Nasdaq drop."
“The White House is continuing to violate the First and 5th Amendments of the Constitution," CNN warns.
Donald Trump took to Twitter to attack Democrat Adam Schiff for his criticism of acting AG Whitaker
Donald Trump refuses to listen to tape of the Khashoggi murder, even as his vice president vows punishment for the crime.
Covers Only Constitutional Questions – Not the Ethics Issues and Indivisible are among the groups protesting to demand Congress "Protect Mueller," to allow the Special Counsel's Russia probe be allowed to continue unimpeded.
Don't let Republicans – or anyone else – tell you differently.
Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen Exposes Trump
"The kind of rhetoric that is said day in and day out about this White House, the people who work here, the President, the Vice President,...
"Hug your loved ones real close every time you leave you home"
MSNBC Invites Anti-Gay, Racist, Sexist, Misogynistic, Theocratic Fear-Monger on Its Air
Demonstrates the Republican Party’s adoption of a neo-fascist fight club.