Dear Senator McCain, Seriously. Who the hell are you kidding? UPDATE: 12.07.10: Liz Cheney joins her father Dick in wanting “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repealed! UPDATE...
This land was made for you and me. I have spent the past few years writing extensively about the GOP, the religious Right, and the fight...
The Right Network is a media attempt to give credibility to right-wing hate and fear-mongering, conservative bigotry, and Republican talking points. Crescendoing in silence, the biggest...
True Story. John Stossel, libertarian activist and journalist, interviewed right wing radical Fox News entertainer Glenn Beck, and asked him why he became a Mormon. Listen...
Peter. LaBarbera. I probably could make this a two-word post, just leaving it at that, and you’d have enough information. But for those of you who...
Has former-President George W. Bush followed in his wife Laura’s footsteps, and joined Twitter? While it’s not yet a “verified account,” he has tweeted three times,...
The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Alpha Dog of the Week – George Rekers Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Fox...
Editor’s note: J. Rudy Flesher is a Philadelphia based actor, blogger and college student. After a three-year detour working in health care he recently returned to...
Maybe the GOP Should Change Its Mascot From The Elephant To The Chicken? It started at a local New York City TV station last September, but...
Rick Santorum then: “Every society in the history of man has upheld the institution of marriage as a bond between a man and a woman. Why?...
Calls Gay Community “Disingenuous,” Says “Children Are Not Puppies” Mike Huckabee, ordained Southern Baptist Minister, Fox News host, perennial Republican presidential hopeful, compared legalizing gay marriage...
Glenn Beck, the Thirty-Two-Million-Dollar-Man in charge of racism, red scares, and right-wing Tea Party wingnuts at Fox News, offered this informed comment on the news today...
Sean Hannity, the less-popular-than Glenn-Beck-or-Bill-O’Reilly, third-rate Fox News pundit has been lagging in his ratings since Beck jumped into crazy land. So he just published his...
Updated: Now With Video! click photos to enlarge The Huffington Post just published a video clearly showing a Tea Party protester spitting on Rep. Emanuel Cleaver...
Glenn Beck, Fox News TV host, may have a wide audience, but it’s a “whites-only” audience. Small wonder why Beck is afraid of immigration reform. I...