One of America's most virulently anti-gay activists just launched ReaganBook, the "Facebook for Patriots," so all her anti-gay friends can post messages of hate without getting...
Despite the fact that today's Supreme Court Hobby Lobby ruling was narrow and suggested discrimination is not a religious right, anti-gay activists are licking their chops...
Peter LaBarbera has returned to the U.S. days early, immediately following his release from jail. The head of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality was initially denied entry...
Peter LaBarbera reportedly has been arrested in Canada after refusing to leave a university campus. Last week, LaBarbera had been detained and initially barred entry into the...
An anti-gay hate group leader who was barred entry into Canada has won his appeal and will be allowed into the country. Peter LaBarbera, the leader...
Peter LaBarbera is claiming that Canada has barred him from entering their country because they believe he will violate their hate speech laws. Unlike the United...
World Vision, a billion-dollar Christian non-profit that made major headlines this week after announcing it would hire gay people in same-sex marriages, has just reversed its...
Billionaire Donald Sterling is the subject of widespread scorn, disdain, and outrage this weekend after TMZ released a nine-minute audio recording allegedly of the L.A. Clippers owner and...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Peter LaBarbera called “Good Morning America” anchor Robin Roberts‘ announcement that she is in a long-term same-sex relationship, a “tragedy.” The president of Americans For...
Guest author Brynn Tannehill asks, “What happened when we threw a victory party and no one came?” Earlier this month, the transgender community achieved a seemingly...
For many people, acknowledging and embracing the fact that they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender — coming out to themselves — and then coming out...
Dan Savage today decided to break out the stand up and tell a joke — actually, he’s calling it a “Twitter play.” Since it’s Twitter, read...
The anti-gay positions and hate speech of America’s religious right extremists — including anti-gay groups like NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, and the so-called “pro-family,” anti-gay hate groups,...
David Brody, the chief political reporter for CBN News admitted in an MSNBC “Morning Joe” discussion this morning that the Koch Brothers, Karl Rove, and the...
Several anti-gay groups and their representatives wasted no time in actually blaming the LGBT community and/or liberals and progressives for this morning’s shooting at the Family...