Herman Cain, in a press conference this afternoon, denied having even met or knowing Sharon Bialek, who has accused Cain of sexual harassment and sexual assault....
Tonight at 8:00 PM ET Herman Cain will debate Newt Gingrich. We’ll try to bring it to you live, but you can also watch it on...
Accusing Herman Cain of being a flip-flopper — as Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum all did this past week — is a fair start...
Dan Savage again is asking GOP frontrunner Herman Cain to choose to be gay to prove it is a choice. In typical Dan Savage form, he...
Herman Cain says he now supports a federal ban on gay marriage. A federal ban is one step past DOMA, the federal Defense of Marriage Act,...
Last night, Rachel Maddow presented Jared Bernstein’s examination of Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 tax plan. How will Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 tax plan affect you, your family, and...
Joe Scarborough, a former three-term Republican Congressman and host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” this morning, along with his co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Willie Geist, all chimed in...
GOP frontrunner Herman Cain continues to insist being gay is a choice. Again, demanding to be shown the science, Cain continues to operate as an ignorant...
A Mexican Bishop is very unhappy with top GOP presidential contender Herman Cain for his desire to build not only a fence between the border of...
Herman Cain is facing four charges of sexual harassment from five different people, including corroboration from a Republican pollster who used to work for Cain at...
Herman Cain, the GOP presidential candidate whose numbers are on the rise, today appeared on ABC’s “The View” and claimed that being gay is a choice,...
Barring a late entry by Zombie Reagan, it looks like we now have a final lineup of contestants for the 2012 cycle of So You Think...
Via New York Magazine: One of the weirdest moments of last night’s Republican debate probably slipped completely under the radar for most viewers. This moment occurred...
Herman Cain is about to be accused by a friend and fellow Atlanta resident that she had a 13-year long affair with the former-lead runner for...
Herman Cain speaking in front of a group of supporters in Kalamazoo, Michigan, was asked a question about Anita Hill. His immediate response, in a joking...