var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Jimmy LaSalvia is not one for who speaks softly by padding or editing his words to make them sound nice. In a 2011Â Twitter...
If it is news to you that the gay GOP group GOProud did not support same-sex marriage equality, you’re not alone. GOProud, the Tea Party branch...
Bruce Carroll, aka @GayPatriot, earlier this year claimed he was going to be South Carolina’s next Republican U.S. Senator. Carroll, who supposedly was a co-founder of...
Ann Couter today became the second conservative to advocate violence against liberals, via Twitter. During Mitt Romney’s speech at the Republican National Convention, Coulter tweeted, “KILL...
Chris Barron, co-founder of the gay Republican Tea Party group GOProud, last night sent a tweet advocating violence against a popular liberal journalist, David Corn. “Someone...
GOProud, the gay Republican Tea Party group, today “enthusiastically” endorsed de-facto Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, claiming the 65-year old is “light years better” than Barack Obama. Mysteriously,...
Whatever the opposite of the Midas Touch is, Susan G. Komen for the Cure — including Senior VP Karen Handel and her boss and Komen founder...
Today Dan Savage posted to Twitter his feelings upon learning that GOProud, the gay Republican Tea Party group, had endorsed Mitt Romney: The GOP’s house faggots...
In an amazing display of flip-floppiness, “yellow journalist” Andrew Breitbart quits GOProud because he has decided he might have a shred of misplaced human decency after...
The two gay Republican organizations, the Log Cabin Republicans and GOProud — including cofounder Chris Barron — weighed in via Twitter on the news that Congressman...
  Gay conservatives, like LOGO-TV’s Taylor Garrett of the reality show “A-List: Dallas,” along with GOProud co-founders Chris Barron and Jimmy LaSalvia have spent a great deal...
Andrew Breitbart, the Tea Party darling and disgraced so-called journalist, who is currently in hot water for comments he made last week fantasizing about killing liberals,...
GOProud, a gay Tea Party GOP group, has again attacked Fred Karger, America’s first openly-gay presidential candidate, essentially for being gay and for discussing LGBT-related issues,...
Across the country, several Republican lawmakers, politicians, and their operatives have been forced to resign amid scandal this month, as the “family values” “fiscal conservative” party...
Bryan Fischer, public voice and technically the Director of Issues Analysis for the certified hate group American Family Association (AFA), explains why GOProud was booted from...