Aurora, Colorado police are being criticized nationwide after officers stopped an SUV and forced the occupants, including four Black children, out of the vehicle, handcuffed at...
"It's clear that Walmart is on the path of elevating homosexual relationships to the same level as the male-female model of marriage," the AFA says –...
Historic Ruling
If you're reading this, as a member of the LGBT community or not, please know that while we are strong: We are not okay.
The United States has a gun problem, but can we do anything to fix it?
Tea Party Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) today told Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the attack on Benghazi, which left four Americans dead, was “the worst...
Today, President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden revealed a comprehensive program to curb gun violence, including 23 executive orders and legislation they urge Congress to...
As usual, the media is obsessed with a frightening shooting this morning at New York City’s Empire State Building that occurred about 60 minutes ago, and...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; The NRA today had scheduled a “Tweet And Greet” with Colt Ford, a country music rapper, but Ford announced an hour ago...
James Taranto late Tuesday night wrote via Twitter, “I hope the girls whose boyfriends died to save them were worthy of the sacrifice.” Taranto, an editorial writer...
Former GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee decreed Wednesday, August 1, to be “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.” The former Republican governor of Arkansas says he “has been incensed at...
At 9:20 AM ET today, hours after the Aurora, Colorado massacre that left 12 dead and 38 or more wounded, and while the rest of the...
Three people including a law enforcement officer and the gunman are reported dead at a shooting near Texas A&M University. The person believed t be the...
Rupert Murdoch, the founder of Fox News and head of its parent company, News Corp., says it’s time for a ban on automatic weapons. While Murdoch’s Fox...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; The Westboro Baptist Church is claiming “God sent the shooter” to Newtown, Connecticut for their support of gay people and same-sex marriage...