'We Rehearsed in Her Apartment & Donny Boy Would Call Every 20 Mins to Check Up on Us'
'Elephants Show Compassion, Sympathy, Social Intelligence, Self Awareness' DeGeneres Says
'Never Too Soon to Teach a Trump About Grifting'
Firings of Flynn and Comey, and Russians in Oval Office Among Turmp's Actions Being Scrutinized
Scope of Investigation Widens Again
Even Uses Racist Graphic Trump Tweeted That Been Thoroughly Debunked
'Can Never Be Reached'
Is Manafort the Key?
Conway pivoted to ObamaCare and Benghazi when confronted with the White House's conflicting statements.
‘You Know That, Right?’ Conway Insists On CNN Thursday night Kellyanne Conway, the counselor to the president, insisted special counselor Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s interference...
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Claims Trump Weigh in 'As Any Father Would, Based on the Limited Information He Had'
'Adds to a Series of Actions That Trump Has Taken That Some Advisers Fear Could Place Him and Some Members of His Inner Circle in Legal...
'The Demonization of North Korea Is Part of the Run-Up to Regime Change' Stein Claims
'Hopefully, This Puts These Matters to Rest' Kushner Says
Trump's latest Twitter tantrum also attacked Democrats, provoked Republicans and defended Trump Jr.