DOJ Says 'Forcing' Baker to 'Create Expression for and Participate in a Ceremony That Violates His Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs' Violates the First Amendment
'The Language Is Very, Very Strong'
A Courageous Defender of the Rule of Law in a State that Continues to be Plagued by its Ugly Past
After Meeting With 400 Top Evangelical Christian Leaders, Trump Says He Has 'Such Tremendous Respect and Admiration' for His New Group
Although in 2013 the Supreme Court dismissed the challenge to Proposition 8 on a technicality, the struggle against it nevertheless was pivotal in the quest for...
Aaron and Melissa Klein Say Ruling Against Them Violates Their First Amendment Rights to Religious Freedom
Warns of 'Alarming Trend to Limit the Civil Rights of a Class of People'
State Chamber of Commerce, Dozens of Businesses Come Out Against HB 1523
GOP Governor Backs Hateful Anti-LGBT Bill as Senate Vote Looms
Bakery Owners Accused of Anti-Gay Discrimination Move to New "Religious Freedom" Legal Firm
"First he called me a dumbass, then he said if I wanted to s*it on House bills that I should run for the House."
A law professor wth no political experience wants to be the Attorney General of Missouri, and he wants to use anti-LGBT animus to win.
Display Featuring Founding Fathers, Bill Of Rights Removed From State Capitol - Governor Says It 'Mocks Christianity'
Proposals would ban local LGBT protections, safeguard 'ex-gay' therapy
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight same-sex marriage - and not all the bills have been paid yet.