Trump Campaigned on Repealing Johnson Amendment
Here's How The Incoming Administration Could Erode Our Gains
Called 2014 Killing Spree 'Attack on Natural Marriage'
Trump Presidency Could Largely Undo Movement's Remarkable Progress Under Obama
Ralph Reed, Tony Perkins, Robert Jeffress, Phil Robertson Among Those Defending GOP Nominee
'We're Going to Err on the Side of Protecting Liberties of Our People' Pence Says. 'Our People'?
Franklin Graham's Organizations Have Received Over $100,000 From Trump's Foundation
Trump Disgraces, Demeans Veterans Again
'Declaration of Dependence on God' to Appear in Newspaper Ads Nationwide
Campaign Backed by Faith-Based Anti-LGBT Groups
GOP Nominee Says Eagle Forum Founder 'Fought to the Very End for a Free and Prosperous America'
Starts Now
Todd Starnes Says Evangelical Christians 'Have a Friend at the Fox News Corner of the World'
Both Members of GOP Ticket to Speak Friday at Annual Values Voter Summit
Clintons Have Given Six Times More Than Trump to Charity Since 2001