Don Feder, a Jewish conservative extremist, two days before Christmas, posted to a Tea Party website  an asinine screed, the “Top 10 Ways Democrats Are Like Nazis,”...
UPDATE: 02.18.2011: Scott just updated this piece. Scroll down to the end for the update. Or, read t from the beginning again! Editor’s note: This guest...
Black Friday began with a spray, rather than a bang, which given the country’s temperature, appears to be standard fare, Gabby Giffords serves Thanksgiving Day dinner...
Geraldine Ferraro, America’s first female and first Italian-American Vice-Presidential candidate, died today at the age of 75 at 10:00 AM, at Massachusetts General Hospital. Ferraro died...
A federal appeals court has ruled that the individual mandate of the 2010 Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional, but the rest of the law can remain...
Ann Coulter, a lightening rod desperate for a thunder storm of attention, Wednesday night told cable news host Joy Behar that she is sick of gays...
Gay conservative Tea Party group GOProud chairman Chris Baron appeared on CNN today and immediately started to bash gay liberals, stating, “far too many on the...
CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, is an event held annually by a group of American right-wing conservative extremists, hell-bent on taking down Barack Obama and the...
How allowing gays to marry in California could rescue a state teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. Guest author Terry Angel Mason explains. “Today, you would...
Rick Perry sees no separation of church and state, and wants to minister as president. There are countries that have their head of state as their...
Rick Santorum while campaigning in Iowa told different crowds of supporters that same-sex marriage will “cheapen” heterosexual marriage, and that marriage equality will “devastate” kids. Santorum,...
UPDATED: Via Mercury News: “The Republican-controlled House voted Wednesday to cancel $450 million for an alternative engine being developed for the F-35 fighter jet. The vote...
With tax cuts, unemployment benefits, the START treaty, the DREAM Act, a Ground Zero workers’ health care bill, continued funding of government operations, not to mention...
You may have heard conservative columnist and FOX News contributor Michelle Malkin, who appears several times a week, usually on Sean Hannity’s FOX “News” show, tell...
We all know the disgusting positions MSNBC’s Pat Buchanan has taken when it comes to race, LGBTQ rights, and, well, just being a compasionate human being....