Watch one U.S. Congressman from Texas tell evangelical Christian students about a study he'd like Congress to perform.
Tea Party Republican Louie Gohmert clearly is America’s most ignorant Congressman. Gohmert is extremely upset about the Supreme Court’s ruling that found DOMA unconstitutional. Speaking with Janet...
Last night, singer-songwriter Frank Ocean, who has written songs for Justin Bieber, Bridget Kelly, and John Legend, to name a few, made his television debut on...
Tony Perkins yesterday, kicking off the Values Voters Summit, treated reporters and conservative politicians to a hypocritical hour-long speech that positioned the Family Research Council (FRC) as...
David Dykes, an influential and well-connected U.S. pastor who has been praising Uganda for its “Kill The Gays” bill, is now walking his comments back and...
UT’s GROAT AND REGNERUS SCANDALS HAVE A LOT IN COMMON In August, 2012, the University of Texas at Austin (UT) terminated a perfunctory misconduct inquiry involving...
A hoax study on gay parenting funded by the NOM-linked Witherspoon Institute and marked by deliberate deception and fraud is currently being used as an anti-equality weapon in the...
We have been reporting on an invalid sociological study –(allegedly, but not actually, about gay parents’ child outcomes) — carried out by researcher Mark Regnerus of the University...
We have been reporting on an invalid sociological study –allegedly, but not actually, about gay parents’ child outcomes — carried out by researcher Mark Regnerus of the University...
Queen Latifah, long-rumored to be a lesbian, did not just come out of the closet, and it’s irresponsible to say she did. Queen Latifah will be...
Louie Gohmert, the GOP U.S. Congressman from Texas best known for coining the phrase “terror babies,” today said that ENDA is part of President Obama’s ongoing...
Editor’s note: The video, below, will start playing automatically. We cannot change this, but apologize. Pause it now if you’d like to watch it later. Republican...
Dear LGBT Students of the Anoka-Hennepin School District: This letter will help to clarify your rights, and also will instruct you on how to protect yourselves...
President Obama weighed in just minutes ago on the scandal Rush Limbaugh caused when he started his misogynistic attacks on Sandra Fluke six days ago. Asked by a reporter...
Mark Regnerus’ so-called  study of children of gay parents has  failed the rigorous  standards demanded by  academic peer review and his work is now under heightened...