Trump Tells Reporters 'Things Are Working Out Well'
'This Is Historic. It's Epic!' President Says
First Family Watches Rare Event
Numerous International Trips and Golf Cart Rentals
"In choosing not to participate in this year's Honors activities, the Administration has graciously signaled its respect for the Kennedy Center."
Refuses to Denounce White Supremacism
'I Am Heartbroken That a Life Has Been Lost Here'
Initial Reports Say Nine Injured
'Lets Come Together as One! Trump Urges
According to a pool report, a staffer changed the station upon the arrival of the press.
One More Time Trump Embarrasses US
A Vision of Fascistic Nationalism That Ignores America's Beautiful Diversity and Promise of Freedom and Equality for All
Is President Using National Enquirer to Blackmail Journalists? Some Journalists Say Yes.
'He Started Talking About Blood Coming Out of Her Ears, Out of Her Eyes'
Says There's a War on Trump, He Gets 'Personally Attacked' Every Day, So It's OK for Him to Fight Back