Rick Perry, a Tea Party Republican candidate for president, is a liar. It’s true. The good, nonpartisan folks at Politifact prove it on a regular basis. Even when...
  Go back to Part I. Continue to Part III. 2 My first real introduction to the film The Help was a movie poster I saw at a bus stop:...
Anti-Gay groups like the Christian Family Coalition (CFC) and the National Organization For Marriage (NOM) are furious that an LGBT group was able to convince a...
It’s been an amazing week for gay civil rights! First the awesome DOMA Senate hearing, and now, news that Friday the Pentagon will certify the DADT...
Bryan Fischer, the public voice of the certified hate group American Family Association (AFA) just said, via Twitter, “Perp in Norway: blond, blue-eyed “Christian,” acc. to...
Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified hate group, American Family Association, says in his latest radio program, “we cannot have the homosexual agenda and...
Lies, lies, more lies, religious extremism, and more lies seem to be the way we’re closing the work week today. New York State Senator and Reverend...
Bryan Fischer says now that criticism of and Marcus and Michele Bachmann over the practice of “ex-gay therapy” is both religious bigotry and a hate crime. Fischer, who...
This year, we have seen historic progress for LGBT rights, in particular on marriage equality, at both the state and federal levels. Most recently, of course,...
Bryan Fischer, the public voice of American Family Association — a certified hate group — spends many of his days obsessed, lying about gay men and...
“Hitler hiomself was a homosexual,” claims Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified hate group, American Family Association, in his latest radio program, as usual, dedicated...
Bryan Fischer, in part 8 of his series,”homosexual bigots commit hate crimes,” falsely states today that “Christophobic gay activists” want to “continue a campaign of threats,...
As Jay Morris wrote in his excellent article, “Texas Governor Rick Perry And The Hate Group,”earlier today, Texas Governor Rick Perry’s love of the certified hate...
Well, Monday certainly wasn’t the day many expected, with the explosion of Weinergate! So Tuesday we focused back on what’s really important. We gave you an...
It was a week that began with a yawn, thanks to one of the most boring, least gay, and least political Oscar shows in memory –then...