Scott Wooledge, a Daily Kos writer and founder of the political action graphic design studio Memeographs today posted this graphic (above) which encapsulates the “response” from...
The Religious Right took no time to attack U.S. Republican Senator Rob Portman, who announced last week his support for same-sex marriage after acknowledging his 21-year...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Friday temporarily blocked the implementation date of a California state law that prohibits so-called “ex-gay” or...
Mike Huckabee on his radio show last week told his audience and one caller in particular that the Boy Scouts‘ decision to continue its ban on...
The anti-gay positions and hate speech of America’s religious right extremists — including anti-gay groups like NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, and the so-called “pro-family,” anti-gay hate groups,...
David Brody, the chief political reporter for CBN News admitted in an MSNBC “Morning Joe” discussion this morning that the Koch Brothers, Karl Rove, and the...
Richard Land, one of the top figures among the Southern Baptists — which boasts a membership so large they have become the second largest Christian body...
The Values Voters Summit began today and it was a doozy. LGBT people and our rights were certainly demonized and trivialized, as were African-Americans, and women, but...
Several anti-gay groups and their representatives wasted no time in actually blaming the LGBT community and/or liberals and progressives for this morning’s shooting at the Family...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; A federal court today ruled that a California law banning so-called “ex-gay” or “reparative” therapy — also known as “pray away the...
Mitt Romney Friday addressed the Values Voters Summit and thanked Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council “for their leadership.” The Family Research Council is an anti-gay...
The Religious Right is vowing to sue the State of California, claiming their First Amendment religious liberties are being attacked, in response to a California law...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Matt Barber says that gay people don’t really want to get married, rather, they merely want to use same-sex marriage as a weapon...
A New York appellate court just tossed out a lawsuit that, if successful, could have killed New York’s one-year old same-sex marriage law, possibly nullifying thousands...
Dakota Ary is the high school student whose anti-gay beliefs he calls “Christian.” He and his mother, Holly Pope, are determined to get as much attention...