White House chief of staff Mark Meadows earlier this year violated rules against mass gatherings when he threw an indoor wedding for his daughter in Georgia...
President Donald Trump’s newly-installed Postmaster General is working to reduce capacity across the United States, just weeks before early voting in the 2020 presidential election begins...
President Donald Trump’s former acting Secretary of Homeland Security says the leader of the free world considered selling Puerto Rico. Elaine Duke, who describes herself as...
As the Commander-in-Chief, President Donald Trump’s Fox News inspired tweet declaring he has instructed the Navy to “shoot down” Iranian gunboats was embarrassing, and deserving of...
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is not only admitting, but bragging that he is using his official government role to evangelize world leaders, apparently hoping...
U.S. Congressman Mark Meadows was appointed by President Donald Trump to be the latest White House Chief of Staff on March 6, but the Republican representing North...
“States should not provide numeric values to the public” The Trump administration has instructed state labor officials to not release unemployment numbers, in a clear effort...
‘Payback Time’ President Donald Trump is out for “revenge,” and “has an enemies list that is growing by the day,” according to a report by Vanity...
Trump-appointed ambassador to the U.K. approached diplomat shortly after his speech and told him to pack his things.
The Trump White House is in secret talks with top Senate Republicans to draft a strategy on how the impeachment trial will be conducted after the...
President Donald Trump is defending himself from strong and sharp criticism being fired from Democrats an Republicans alike, after he posted tweets attacking former Ukraine Ambassador...
Trump appointed IG.
Group says its mission is to "expose some of the abuses and perversions that have brought our nation and economy so far down."
The move will likely be challenged in court and may be blocked since it appears to violate U.S. law.
Says Treasury Is 'Unable' to Release Trump's Tax Returns to House Chairman Despite Law