Guest author Lon Newman, is president Wisconsin’s Family Planning Health Services, which administers the federally funded WIC program in Wisconsin, a nutrition program that helps families feed...
Guest author Jean Podrasky (image, right,) is a long-time LGBT activist and the cousin of Chief Justice John Roberts. In March, Podrasky was in the Supreme...
One of the witnesses who testified for the defense, Lauren McNamara, shares her thoughts on the least-discussed aspect of the Bradley Manning WikiLeaks trial: the need...
Amanda Brown, daughter of the gay man ejected this week from Research Medical Center, a Kansas City, Missouri hospital, while attempting to visit his ill husband, has...
Comments made by a Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) employee on her personal Facebook page have emerged today, showing a troubling strain of intolerance in the...
Every day we fail to reform our broken immigration system, 1,100 families are torn apart because Americans are not afforded the right to sponsor their same-sex...
Docs show sociologist Mark Regnerus was fed talking points assuring his neutrality on marriage debate; recent actions suggest otherwise.  “You are a researcher, not an...
Chivas Sandage wrote this poem and read it at last week’s Marriage Equality Rally in Hartford, Connecticut, which she helped organize. Â Â The clerk says...
Last week during the United For Marriage rally at the Supreme Court, an HRC staffer attempted to remove a trans pride flag from being displayed, and...
The Boy Scouts of America’s most unfair, unhealthy policy isolates gay and bisexual Scouts, vilifies them as criminals, teaches bigotry to all Scouts, and hurts society....
 Charlotte, a transwoman, is outed as a transgender soldier to her chain-of-command, but for the moment survives because a senior non-commissioned officer ignores the antiquated medical...
From NYC to San Francisco, America’s LGBT community marked the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) in a far different fashion than our international brothers...
To regain relevancy and survive, conservatives — Republicans, libertarians, Tea Party members, independents — must clearly choose between returning to their true, core principles (e.g., fiscal...
Heather Cronk has served as the Managing Director of GetEQUAL and today she announces an important change at the LGBT civil rights organization, in this exclusive...
America’s top justices appear poised to threaten 650,000 same-sex couples, many of whom are raising 250,000 children today. The Court must answer five moral questions before they can...