Sally Kern, the homophobic Oklahoma state legislator who last week made racist and misogynistic comments on the House floor, has received an official rebuke from her...
Laura Ingraham, Crystal Ball Reader Is Fox News’ Laura Ingraham the owner of the Worst “Journalist” Award for her take on President Barack Obama’s successful mission...
Here’s a photo of President Obama, Joe Biden, and a gasping Hillary Clinton, along with members of the national security team, receiving an update on the mission...
Here’s another example of a Fox News “typo,” where they “accidentally” spell Osama bin Laden as “Obama bin Laden.” Oops. WATCH: Fox News Announces “President Obama...
Fox News has a reputation for distorting facts and making “typos,” like switching numbers in poll results so they match their agenda, or making “mistakes” like...
“Earlier this evening, President Obama called to inform me that American forces killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of the al Qaeda network that attacked America...
Image: @soulofayoungman
President Barack Obama announced late Sunday night that for the past eight months, since August, 2010, under his direct orders, the United States has been actively...
Osama bin Laden has been killed by U.S. forces, and Barack Obama will go down in history as the president who was able to do what...
President Barack Obama scores in delivering his speech at the White House Correspondents Dinner Saturday, where he released his “official birth video,” poked fun at FOX...
The Atlanta Braves have put pitching coach Roger McDowell on administrative leave after a news conference that accused him of hurling anti-gay slurs, making obscene sexual...
For the initial story, read, “Boehner’s Hand-Picked Law Firm To Defend DOMA Quits.” Read more news on King and Spalding’s decision to end their contract with...|Start an Online Petition » On Sunday, May 15, at an anti-marriage equality rally sponsored and promoted by Maggie Gallagher’s National Organization for Marriage, Rev. Ariel Torres...
Thanks to the efforts of President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, International Women’s Day, which marks the 100th anniversary this year, finally gets a...
Presents U.S. LGBT Movement New Opportunity To Forge Progressive Political Agenda With Allies From Madison to Tripoli, the conventional understanding of political order at home and...