Focus on the Family’s Tom Minnery delivered false testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee today, as he attempted to peddle a false definition of the term...
Focus on the Family, the anti-gay, almost-hate group, today was forced to admit in the Senate debate to repeal DOMA, the unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act, that DOMA...
Chris Brown, the R&B singer more in the news for what he does that’s offensive than for his music, is being accused of using anti-gay homophobic...
Matt Baume’s weekly marriage news watch newscast.
A federal judge has ordered a granite monument of the 10 Commandments removed from a Dixie County courtroom in Florida. County officials have 30 days to comply....
I’ve always said one of the defining aspects of the conservative mind is that they see everything as a zero-sum game. If I win you lose....
The Family Leader’s founder and author of the controversial anti-gay, anti-porn, anti-Islam, pro-slavery “Marriage Vow,” Bob Vander Plaats, loves a good fag joke, as you can...
The congressional district Michele Bachmann (R-MN) represents has seen a huge spike in anti-gay bullying and related teen suicides — nine teen suicides, overall, in the...
President Obama, Defense Secretary Panetta, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mullen this afternoon all certified that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT), the ban...
CNN, like other major news media outlets, uses representatives from the professional anti-gay industry, including certified hate groups, to present what has become known as “balanced”...
Chief Judge James Ware has ruled that former-Chief Judge Vaughn Walker’s ruling, finding Prop 8 is unconstitutional, cannot be voided or vacated because Walker is gay,...
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has issued an order to speed up the training and processes that will lead to the actual repeal of the “Don’t...
William Daley is President Barack Obama’s pick to be his new permanent Chief of Staff, replacing Rahm Emanuel who left October 1. Although considered a Washington...
New York State Senator and Reverend Rubén DÃaz, the only Democrat to vote against Governor Cuomo’s same-sex marriage bill that was signed into law last month,...
A transgender woman, 23-year old Lashai McLean, was shot and killed early Wednesday morning in northeast Washington, D.C.. Police found her body around 4:30 AM and are investigating...