President Joe Biden is delivering his State of the Union Address. Read his remarks below, as prepared for delivery, via The White House. ______________________________________________________ Mr. Speaker....
President Joe Biden is delivering a fiery and passionate State of the Union address. Follow along. Remarks via The White House as prepared for delivery: ...
President Donald Trump walked slowed into the chamber of the House of Representatives and took the time to shake the hands of several members of Congress,...
Less than 48 hours after the House of Representatives impeached President Donald Trump Speaker Nancy Pelosi has sent the nation’s chief executive a formal letter inviting...
"He’s calling for cooperation and he’s calling for comity —c-o-m-i-t-y —and also compromise."
"White House has sent an email to the House Sergeant at Arms requesting a walkthrough of the chamber to prep for the State of the Union...
"The Constitution established the legislative, executive and judicial branches as co-equal branches of government," Speaker Pelosi reminds the President.
President Trump's Prepared Remarks as Released by the White House
'Your Name Deserves to Be Displayed During Tuesday Night's Speech' Campaign Website Hawks
Donald Trump wasn't at the State of the Union but his politics of hate and fear were one of the main subjects.
The anti-gay Rowan County clerk was one of the top trending topics on social media during the State of the Union.
Watch President Barack Obama's final SOTU Address, live!
What time does the State of the Union Address start?, and answers to all your other questions!