While serving as President of the United States, Donald Trump’s businesses accepted millions of dollars from numerous foreign governments, including China and Saudi Arabia – the...
During a Friday night rally, Republican President Donald Trump said he’d consider leaving the country if Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden wins the upcoming election. “I’m...
The Inspector General fired by President Donald Trump late Friday was investigating the possibly illegal orders from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for a staffer to walk...
Trump is literally renting out the U.S. Armed Forces, and admitting it. No mention what happens if and when any U.S. service members die as a...
Trip Comes One Month After Saudi Arabia Brutally Murdered Journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Crown Prince Implicated
There is no $110 billion arms deal with the Saudis.
Asked by reporters if the Saudis had told him if "Khashoggi is alive or dead," Pompeo refused to answer.
President Laments Lack of Fairness for Embattled Kingdom
When You've Lost Fox News...
'None of the Deals Identified So Far Are New, All Began in the Obama Administration'
Previously Said 'It's Radical Islamic Terror… Before You Solve It, You Have to Say The Name'
As president, Donald Trump had access to vast amounts of top secret code word classified material, as well as public data, and anything in between, all for the asking....
In an exclusive interview with the Daily Beast, 27-year-old comedian and former USD student Abdulrahman Almutairi revealed that he was nearly kidnapped by a suspected agent...
President Donald Trump had a secret meeting with the Saudi Vice Minister of Defense on Monday. It did not appear on his public schedule, and no readout...
The Order to 'Silence Jamal Khashoggi as Soon as Possible' Was Reportedly Given by the Crown Prince