Conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett slammed the Supreme Court for making “textual backflips” in justifying its ruling to limit the prosecution of January 6 rioters for...
Rep. Steve Scalise, whose name has been floated as a possible alternative to Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, is raising money from right-wing activists...
Justice Amy Coney Barrett, the newest member of the U.S. Supreme Court whose nomination was rammed through the Senate by then-Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, on...
In interviews with the Washington Post, women who lived under the watchful eye of a Christian group with direct ties to Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney...
National Organization For Marriage co-founder Robert P. George just posted a photo of himself with the nation’s newest Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney Barrett, calling her...
Minutes after Justice Clarence Thomas swore in Amy Coney Barrett Monday night she stood by the side of President Donald Trump on the White House balcony...
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts will not officiate the swearing in of soon-to-be confirmed Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett Monday night. Instead, Associate Justice Clarence...
Despite five members of Vice President Mike Pence’s team testing positive for coronavirus over the past few days the White House has just announced it will...
Chairman Lindsey Graham has forced Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination through the Senate Judiciary Committee. By a 12-0 margin Republicans have voted to send...
Former Vice President Joe Biden is warning LGBTQ Americans “there’s reason to be concerned” about Judge Amy Coney Barrett and her likely installation onto the U.S....
President Donald Trump is bragging that his nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, the supposedly non-partisan and non-political branch of government, was “toying” with the Democratic...
While many Republicans and right-wing activists are pretending that they have no idea how Amy Coney Barrett will rule on major issues, anti-equality activists like National...
Chairman Lindsey Graham is ignoring the official rules of the Senate Judiciary Committee, proceeding to conduct business on the final day of Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s...
Judge Amy Coney Barrett is refusing to say if Obergefell, the law that found same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry was properly decided. Amid...
Judge Amy Coney Barrett is being accused of lying to a top Democratic Senator in an apparent attempt to hide her ties to and awareness of...