‘I’m Answering Your Question’: Matt Gaetz Schooled on Anti-Semitism as He Attacks George Soros

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) received a lesson on anti-Semitic speech after he sought to criticize liberal Jewish billionaire George Soros on Wednesday.

At a Judiciary Committee hearing on free speech and anti-Semitism, Gaetz wanted to know when it was safe to attack Soros.

“Is it possible to criticize George Soros without being anti-Semitic?” the lawmaker asked American University Professor Pamela Nadell.

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“I don’t know all the tropes that people use to associate with George Soros,” Nadell replied.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, not when they talk about something else,” Gaetz interrupted. “Is criticism against George Soros ever not anti-Semitic? That’s the question.”

“No, wait, I’m answering your question,” Nadell said. “We use different code words to disguise anti-Semitism. And so Soros has become the code word that replaced Rothschild.”

“But is it possible to criticize him without being anti-Semitic?” Gaetz demanded.

“I don’t know the context,” the professor said. “I’m not going to talk without knowing the context.”

“And similarly, you said any critique of globalism is anti-Semitic,” Gaetz complained. “See, when I criticize globalism, I’m often criticizing the UN, which then, in turn, goes around and criticizes Israel.”

“So why use the word globalist instead of the UN?” Nadell shot back.

“Well, because the UN’s goals are to have a global order over things that deprive countries of their sovereignty,” Gaetz insisted. “That is the great hypocrisy of what I think is frankly a reverse trope that any criticism of Soros or any criticism of globalism is somehow anti-Semitic. Sometimes they’re just criticisms of Soros and of globalism.”

Watch the video below or at this link.


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