Americans Seem Alarmingly Open to Trump’s ‘Campaign of Revenge and Retribution’: ABC Reporter

ABC News’ Jonathan Karl on Monday expressed alarm that American voters seem open to giving former President Donald Trump a second term despite his overtly authoritarian calls to enact revenge against a wide array of public figures.

Appearing on “Good Morning America,” Karl outlined the dramatic stakes when it comes to the 2024 election.

“I don’t think voters have come to terms with what he is talking about doing,” he said. “He’s talking about a campaign of revenge and retribution… He wants to go out and prosecute his political opponents. Not just Democrats, but people who served him. John Kelly, his former chief of staff, Mattis, his former defense secretary, Bill Barr, his former attorney general.”

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Karl then questioned Americans whether unhappiness with gas prices was really worth enabling this kind of raw authoritarianism.

“Are voters really ready to sign up for that?” he asked. “He’s talking about invoking the Insurrection Act on day one, using American troops on the streets of U.S. cities, something he tried to do when he was president last time but he was stopped by his own people.”

Karl concluded with an ominous warning that “this would be a very radical Trump presidency, much more so than even the first one.”

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