‘Worst Advice Ever?’: Tennessee Senator Tells Homeless They Still Have Hope, Because, Hitler

An Ivermectin-pushing Republican state Senator voting for a bill – not to reduce homelessness or increase aid to those experiencing homelessness, but to reduce homeless encampments – defended his position by giving his colleagues a “history lesson” about the genocidal Nazi Adolf Hitler.

“I haven’t given y’all a history lesson in a while and I wanted to give a little history on homelessness,” declared Republican State Senator Frank S. Niceley on the Senate floor Wednesday, as WZTV reports.

“In 1910 Hitler decided to live on the streets for a while,” Niceley said. “So for two years Hitler lived on the streets and practiced his oratory and his body language and how to connect with the masses. And then went on to lead a life that got him in the history books. So, a lot of these people its not a dead end. They can come out of these homeless camps and have a productive life, or in Hitler’s case a very unproductive life.”

It’s unclear why Senator Niceley decided to invoke the most-hated person in history, responsible for approximately 17 million deaths, to give hope to people experiencing homelessness. It’s also unclear why he framed being homeless as a choice.

Hitler, by the way, did not decide to live on the streets for a while. He lived in a revolutionary homelesss hostel that was funded by wealthy Jewish philanthropists, according to The Guardian.

Journalist John Nichols weighed in while posting video of Sen. Niceley’s remarks.




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