Racist. Anti-Semitic. Homophobic. Misogynistic: NYPD’s Suspect in Subway Shooting Left ‘Online Trail of Hate’ – Report

The videos are jaw-dropping. The language – antisemitic, homophobic, misogynistic, and extraordinarily racist – filled with rage and hate.

Tuesday evening the NYPD announced Frank R. James is a person of interest in that morning’s subway mass shooting that left at least 23 people injured, including 10 with gunshots and five in critical condition. He remains at large. Wednesday morning NYC Mayor Eric Adams announced James is now a suspect in the attack, The New York Times reports.

Rolling Stone reports James “is a prolific user of social media, regularly uploading lengthy, often racist diatribes to both YouTube and Facebook in which he addresses a range of topics from the state of race relations in the United States to the policies of New York City Mayor Eric Adams, according to videos reviewed by Rolling Stone.”

To be clear, Rolling Stone reports that although “the man in videos uploaded to both the YouTube and Facebook accounts never identifies himself by name, he bears a strong resemblance to photos of James distributed by authorities. In a news conference Tuesday, NYPD commissioner Keechant Sewell stated Mayor Adams’ security detail has been bolstered ‘in light of the videos,’ the New York Times reported — thus indirectly confirming the link between James and the disturbing social media posts.”

In his videos — which number in the hundreds and feature titles such as “why we need more racial profiling,” “should the black woman be forcibly sterilized,” and “TO KILL OR NOT TO KILL” — James often rails against numerous racial and ethnic groups, including whites, Blacks, Jews and Latinos. He also compares people of color to “a bunch of turds in a toilet,” waiting to be “flushed” down the drain by society and implies that a race war between whites and Blacks is imminent. In one video, he calls Sept. 11, 2001 “the most beautiful day in the history of this country.”

Read the entire Rolling Stone piece here.

Categories: CRIME
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