‘Lying on Purpose?’: Experts Scorch Manchin for ‘Trumpian Lie’ the Filibuster Has Existed for 232 Years

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin is continuing his opposition to President Joe Biden’s agenda. On Monday the Democrat from West Virginia unleashed a historically inaccurate claim about the filibuster that has many enraged.

The filibuster in its current form requires much of what the Senate does to get 60 votes. Confirmation for presidential nominees, including Supreme Court justices to a lifetime appointment, however, require just a simple majority.

The 60 vote rule was implemented in 1975, not when the U.S. Constitution was adopted, and many are blasting Manchin for spreading falsehoods to promote his agenda.

“The tradition of the Senate here in 232 years now..we need to be very cautious what we do..That’s what we’ve always had for 232 years. That’s what makes us different than any place else in the world,” Manchin falsely said Monday, according to Fox News’ Chad Pergram.

“232 years ago, in 1790, a simple majority could end any debate,’ writes attorney Max Kennerly. “The current form of filibuster that Manchin is protecting—in which votes can’t happen until 60 Senators agree—didn’t exist until 1975. Hundreds of exceptions have been made to it, including one last month.”

“Up until the 20th Century, most filibusters failed,” he adds, noting ones that succeeded – which all have one thing in common:

New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait writes in response to Manchin’s falsehood, “the Founders considered, and rejected, a routine supermajority requirement.”

“The filibuster is actually not in the Constitution,” he adds.

Manchin is taking heat from experts for his “Trumpian lie,” as MSNBC’s Medhi Hasan charges:

Economist, professor, attorney, and former U.S. Secretary of Labor:

VOX senior correspondent and Supreme Court expert:

UCLA law professor:

Political scientist, voting expert:



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