Democratic Congresswoman Arrested for Protesting in Support of Voting Rights: ‘This Is Just the Beginning’

A sitting member of Congress, Democratic U.S. Rep. Joyce Beatty of Ohio, was arrested by Capitol Police Thursday for protesting in support of voting rights.

Congresswoman Beatty is also the Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. She tweeted out photos of her arrest, saying, “Let the people vote. Fight for justice.”

The protest was organized to get the U.S. Senate to pass the “For the People Act,” which the House passed all the way back in March. Last month Senate Republicans filibustered the legislation, blocking debate after it failed to get 60 votes.

As she was zip-tied and arrested she and her fellow activists chanted, “Fight for justice!”

She later posted this tweet, honoring the late Congressman and civil rights hero John Lewis:

In a statement Rep. Beatty promised, “this is just the beginning.”

Experts warn without the Democratic-led Senate ending the filibuster the For the People Act and other key components of the Biden agenda will fail to pass.

Categories: 'GOOD TROUBLE'
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