Top Oath Keeper First to Flip in Capitol Insurrection Domestic Terrorism Investigation

On the 100th day since the January 6 right wing insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, prosecutors have flipped a top member of the Oath Keepers anti-government domestic extremism group.

Jon Ryan Schaffer, a founding member of the Oath Keepers, is “the first defendant to potentially flip in the sprawling domestic terrorism investigation that has led to charges against more than 400 people,” The Washington Post reports.

He is expected to plead guilty and cooperate in the investigation.

As of this writing Schaffer is in court and about to plea.

“Prosecutors hope Schaffer’s plea spurs others to provide additional evidence in hopes of avoiding long prison sentences.”

Schaffer turned himself in January 18 after being photographed inside the Capitol. He was charged with six crimes initially, but is expected to plead guilty to two felonies in the plea deal.

The Post adds “Schaffer has agreed to plead guilty to only two charges, but both are felony offenses carrying heavy penalties that federal prosecutors are relying on heavily in the wider probe.”

Categories: CRIME
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