Anti-Vaxx Mega MAGA Donor’s Private School Says It Is Now ‘Policy Not to Employ’ Vaccinated Teachers

The founder of the first “happiness school” in America is a Miami-based anti-vaxxer who has just announced she is banning any teacher who has been vaccinated from being in contact with students – to “protect” the students. Teachers are required to notify the school, Centner Academy, in writing of their vaccination status and are urged to wait until summer to get their vaccine if they have not yet been inoculated against the coronavirus.

Leila Centner, who co-founded Centner Academy with her husband, David Centner, “with a very heavy heart” notified faculty in a letter, saying “we cannot allow recently vaccinated people to be near our students until more information is known,” The New York Times reports.

“Teachers who get the vaccine over the summer will not be allowed to return, the letter said, until clinical trials on the vaccine are completed, and then only ‘if a position is still available at that time’ — effectively making teachers’ employment contingent on avoiding the vaccine.”

But CBS Miami (video below) reports that letter also reads in part: “It is our policy, to the extent possible, not to employ anyone who has taken the experimental COVID-19 injection until further information is known.”

Centner told faculty they are required to fill out a confidential form disclosing their vaccination status, and “acknowledge the School will take legal measures needed to protect the students if it is determined that I have not answered these questions accurately,” according to the Times.

The Centners are known as a philanthropic power couple, and have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Republican National Committee, and donated thousands of dollars to the Trump re-election campaign.

A statement released to the Times by Centner’s publicist “repeated false claims that vaccinated people ‘may be transmitting something from their bodies’ leading to adverse reproductive issues among women.”

“We are not 100 percent sure the Covid injections are safe and there are too many unknown variables for us to feel comfortable at this current time,” the statement said.

That false claim is one of many promoted by Centner on social media.

Leila Centner’s Instagram page is filled with anti-vaxx lies and misinformation. Via her bio she links to the debunked anti-mask study that went viral on social media, fueled by fake news purveyors like the Gateway Pundit.

In October of 2020 Centner came under fire for hosting a forum for a conservative political candidate at the school, and parents accused her of using the school’s email list to drum up support.

“Please do not tell me what types of events I can host in my own building after hours,” Centner told one father who criticized her decision.

CBS Miami video:




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