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‘Drop to His Knees in Worship’: Internet Slams ‘Groveling’ Brian Kilmeade for Allowing Trump to Spew ‘Lie After Lie’



Americans who watched Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade interview President Donald Trump are outraged at the “Fox & Friends” co-host’s “groveling” and “allowing” the president to spew “lie after lie after lie.”

Americans have grown accustomed to watching President Trump lie repeatedly, and while they are still outraged daily by those lies, they expect members of the press to definitively correct the record in real time when he does.

Not only did Kilmeade let Trump spew falsehoods with abandon in his Fox News interview that aired Sunday morning, Kilmeade actually spun the lies himself.

The outrage is so palpable “Kilmeade” is trending on social media. It’s rare when journalists attract more anger than the President, but Kilmeade’s refusal to tell the public the truth appeared to be a turning point for even some Republicans.

For example, in this clip Kilmeade poses a question noting that when Trump was sworn in to office the military’s budget had been cut by 25%. Much of those cuts were forced by Republicans via sequestration, a fact Kilmeade didn’t bother to tell viewers. But worse, he used Trump’s repeated lie, falsely saying that military was “out of bullets,” as a basis for his question. That dangerous lie has been disproved countless times, including today by retired lieutenant general Russel L. Honore’ (below, in a tweet.)

Kilmeade also let Trump get away with this lie: “The Supreme Court, all they did is say we don’t have standing.”

That’s false. In that case, filed by the Texas attorney general and joined by 17 others states and 126 GOP members of Congress, the Supreme Court voted 7-2 to decide they did not have standing – but said unanimously if they had taken the case they would have voted against it.

Kilmeade ignored that most important fact, allowing Trump’s dangerous lies to continue, lies that are now leading to violence on America’s streets.

Here’s how many are reacting:


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Watch: Jen Psaki Schools Peter Doocy as He Tries to Get Dr. Fauci Fired



Fox News personality Peter Doocy tried to get Dr. Anthony Fauci fired on Thursday, falsely suggesting the immunologist, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and Chief Medical Advisor to the President lied to Congress.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was not only prepared, but was not about to allow his attempt at misinformation to go uncorrected.

“On COVID origins,” Doocy said, setting the stage for his right wing conspiracy theory, “you’ve said from that podium that under no circumstance would President Biden ever fire Dr. Fauci. Is that still the case since Fauci told Congress the NIH never funded ‘gain of function’ research for coronaviruses and Wu Han, but documents published by The Intercept suggest that is not true, which would mean that he misled Congress?”

There is a group of far right wing conspiracy theorists who falsely claim Dr. Fauci, one of the most highly-respected scientists working for the federal government, has made “millions” off the pandemic, that as one of the leaders of the National Institutes of Health he personally “funded” research designed to give coronavirus the ability to jump from animals to humans, and other absurd false claims.

Among the spreaders of false Fauci conspiracy theories is far right wing Republican U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, as CNBC reported back in June.

“Well,” Psaki replied, “first I would say that NIH has refuted that reporting, and I would point you to that, but let me give you some highlights of that: NIH has never approved any research that would make a coronavirus more dangerous to humans, we’re reminded that there are previous and different coronaviruses than the existing one we’re battling, and the body of science produced by this research demonstrates that the bad coronavirus sequences published from network, NIH supported, were not ‘COVID’ – the strain, COVID-2 strain.”

“So what he said was correct,” she concluded.

“So his job is safe?” Doocy asked.

“Correct,” Psaki replied.


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‘Not Credible’: Trump Doctor Slammed as ‘Propagandist’ and ‘Lying’ After Evasive Press Briefing Praising President



President Donald Trump’s physician, Dr. Sean Conley, is being blasted after briefing the press in what many see as his most evasive news conference to date. President Trump announced minutes before the briefing began that he was leaving Walter Reed and dangerously told Americans to “not be afraid of COVID.”

Dr. Conley admitted Trump is not cured, and is still in danger, but is being released anyway. And he repeatedly praised the president.

Dr. Conley refused to answer many reporters’ questions, including when Trump’s last negative test was, what his viral load is, how high his fever was, why he was not prescribed hydroxychloroquine, or even if Trump will be confined to the residence.

Even medical professionals blasted and corrected him.

“This president’s been the purveyor of super-spreader events for weeks,” said Dr. Irwin Redlener on MSNBC after Conley’s presser.

Very few, it seems, believe Conley’s performance, with some calling him a “propagandist” and others accusing him of “lying.”


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