‘Drop to His Knees in Worship’: Internet Slams ‘Groveling’ Brian Kilmeade for Allowing Trump to Spew ‘Lie After Lie’
Americans who watched Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade interview President Donald Trump are outraged at the “Fox & Friends” co-host’s “groveling” and “allowing” the president to spew “lie after lie after lie.”
Americans have grown accustomed to watching President Trump lie repeatedly, and while they are still outraged daily by those lies, they expect members of the press to definitively correct the record in real time when he does.
Not only did Kilmeade let Trump spew falsehoods with abandon in his Fox News interview that aired Sunday morning, Kilmeade actually spun the lies himself.
The outrage is so palpable “Kilmeade” is trending on social media. It’s rare when journalists attract more anger than the President, but Kilmeade’s refusal to tell the public the truth appeared to be a turning point for even some Republicans.
For example, in this clip Kilmeade poses a question noting that when Trump was sworn in to office the military’s budget had been cut by 25%. Much of those cuts were forced by Republicans via sequestration, a fact Kilmeade didn’t bother to tell viewers. But worse, he used Trump’s repeated lie, falsely saying that military was “out of bullets,” as a basis for his question. That dangerous lie has been disproved countless times, including today by retired lieutenant general Russel L. Honore’ (below, in a tweet.)
During interview with Trump that was recorded at the Army-Navy football game, @kilmeade embarrassingly echoes a lie Trump has told many times that the military was “out of bullets” when he took office.
“We had no ammunition,” Trump lies in reply. Lies upon lies.
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 13, 2020
Kilmeade also let Trump get away with this lie: “The Supreme Court, all they did is say we don’t have standing.”
That’s false. In that case, filed by the Texas attorney general and joined by 17 others states and 126 GOP members of Congress, the Supreme Court voted 7-2 to decide they did not have standing – but said unanimously if they had taken the case they would have voted against it.
Kilmeade ignored that most important fact, allowing Trump’s dangerous lies to continue, lies that are now leading to violence on America’s streets.
“They’re winning these things on little technicalities, like a thing called standing.”
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 13, 2020
Here’s how many are reacting:
Hey @kilmeade, during your interview with Donald Trump this weekend, Trump said he won, Joe Biden lost, and that Biden would be an “illegitimate President.” And you just stood there. You didn’t challenge him. Shame on you Brian. Do you agree with Trump’s dangerous lies?
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) December 13, 2020
Why doesn’t @kilmeade just drop to his knees in worship?
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) December 13, 2020
We were not out of ammunition, real story after 20 Jan 2021 , Smile , talking about problems the billions taken from DOD military housing construction budget to build a wall , again more info after 20 Jam 2021
— Russel L. Honore’ (@ltgrusselhonore) December 13, 2020
I like the way the @kilmeade doesn’t even pretend to have a shred of journalistic integrity anymore just parrots lie after lie from Trump…..
— Mat Poynter (@matpoynter) December 13, 2020
My favorite part of the no ammunition lie is that it seems to based on the premise that the President is personally responsible for ordering ammo and that Obama forgot to do so.
It is a ridiculously stupid thing to lie about.
— JOE HAS TOTAL AUTHORITY (@YeahJeetsYeah) December 13, 2020
Watch all of it. The entire thread of videos. Were this any other human being, it would be incredible. But it’s not. It’s classic @realDonaldTrump, the worst narcissistic psychopath the country’s political life has ever seen, but who we’ve gotten to know all too well.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) December 13, 2020
What a hack @kilmeade is, allowing lie after lie after lie. @realDonaldTrump is right about one thing, this was NOT a close election. Biden won by a landslide. @FoxNews should be taken off the air for misleading the public.
— gpc (@wishaway49) December 13, 2020
Watching @kilmeade groveling before Trump I’m waiting for him to drop to his knee’s & hug Trumps body like Trump hugs the flag
The funny thing is Trump hates the flag as much as Kilmeade hates Trump…who has ruined his already shaky reputation #MAGAMorons
— Pat (@IrishPatty54) December 13, 2020
Just like the other MAGA cult members, @kilmeade dare not question the god king Trump or else he will suffer the consequences of a mean tweet. This is what they’re scared of. 🙄😒
— $₡ƦEE₦₡λPPEƦ (@CapperScreen) December 13, 2020
Way to push back @kilmeade, are you really a dummy or do you just play one on TV for Trump?
— Rick Tyler-Still Right (@rickwtyler) December 13, 2020
@Kilmeade. Standing is not a little thing. 80 million Biden votes is not a little thing. No real evidence of fraud is not a little thing. 250,000+ Americans dead from COVID is not a little thing @realDonaldTrump #Trump #FoxNews #FoxAndFriends #ByeDon #ByeByeTrump #coronavirus
— Ed xxxxxxx (Redacted) (@edlewusa) December 13, 2020
All this #sad excuse for a journo @kilmeade had to do was go to @snopes on this one. #Trump has been repeating this absurd lie for years, based in info from a defunct #fakenews website first posted in 2014. Surprise. #Kilmeade
— SkeeterBombay (@SkeeterBombay) December 13, 2020
At what point do the so-called journalists @FoxNews stop promoting sedition – legal votes are not just votes for trump and legal standing is the bedrock for filing a case #SeditiousGOP #CryBabyTump #DiaperDonald
— Naomi Chambers (@ndchambers) December 13, 2020
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