‘Unsustainable’: Trump Meets With Political Advisors to Discuss ‘Path Forward’ as Aides Warn He Will Never Concede

President Donald Trump hasn’t done much in the way of being President for months, and even less now that the election is over. On Wednesday the President, still refusing to accept the increasingly obvious to eight out of ten Americans that he lost the election, sat down with his political advisors to discuss a “path forward,” according to CNN.

There literally is no political path forward for the President. Every day more world leaders call to congratulate Biden. Every day more ballots are counted. Every day Joe Biden’s lead – now 5.3 million votes more than Trump – grows. Every day more and more states are certifying their results.

Some experts project Biden will walk into the White House with 8 million votes more than Trump. Some say 10 million more.

Meanwhile, NBC News on Wednesday points to the “growing expectation among President Donald Trump’s advisers that he will never concede that he lost re-election, even after votes are certified in battleground states over the coming weeks.”

Trump aides suggest that while the President will never concede, he might not actually contest the results, as a means of saving face and enabling him to leave the White House.

“Do not expect him to concede,” one top aide said. More likely, the aide said, “he’ll say something like, ‘We can’t trust the results, but I’m not contesting them.’”

Another White House aide said at some point in the future Trump might “acknowledge the results” and say “that we’ll never know how accurate they are.”

But “we’re not there yet,” the aide added, while another called the entire situation “unsustainable.”






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