‘Attend Some of the Funerals’: Trump Jr. Blasted for Calling 1000 COVID-19 Deaths Each Day ‘Almost Nothing’
Donald Trump, Jr. is under fire after telling Fox News 1000 coronavirus deaths each day is “almost nothing.”
“Give me a break Laura, the reality is this,” Trump Jr. told Laura Ingraham Thursday night. “If you look – I put it up on my Instagram a couple days ago ’cause I went through the CDC data ’cause I kept hearing about ‘new infections,’ but I was like, ‘Well, why aren’t they talking about deaths?’ Oh, oh, because the number is almost nothing.”
The president’s fast-talking son also told Ingraham that Americans attacking Trump White House top coronavirus advisor Dr. Scott Atlas “are truly morons.” Atlas is a radiologist who frequently appeared on Fox News pushing erroneous talking points that matched the president’s beliefs. He is now inside the White House advancing his deadly “herd immunity” policies that experts warn will lead to an additional 500,000 deaths if the policies are not immediately reversed.
Trump Jr. is not telling the truth. Unlike his Commander-in-Chief father, Americans are not able to be treated with any therapeutic, according to the CDC.
“There are no drugs or other therapeutics presently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prevent or treat COVID-19.”
He also doesn’t seem to understand that more infections mean more deaths. And deaths are again increasing.
On Monday coronavirus deaths were 389 – far from “almost nothing.” That number nearly tripled to 931 deaths on Tuesday, jumped to 1025 coronavirus deaths on Wednesday, and increased again, as Trump was calling the COVID-19 crisis “almost nothing,” to 1049 dead Americans.
Currently the 7-day average is 797 deaths per day.
Americans on social media blasted Trump Jr.
Dude who wants you to believe he poured over CDC…also wants you to believe 1000+ Americans dying PER DAY is “close to nothing.”
— Joshua Chaffee (@JoshuaChaffee) October 30, 2020
More than a thousand people died of COVID today. Perhaps "Don" can attend some of the funerals, look those families in their eyes, and tell them their loved ones' deaths were "almost nothing."
— Noah Shachtman (@NoahShachtman) October 30, 2020
Healthcare professionals have been begging Fox News to stop broadcasting COVID misinformation and this is yet another example of it.
Fox likely has a real death count because of their complete abdication of responsibility. It must— Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) October 30, 2020
Every 87 seconds, an American died from Covid.
— Donny Grumpy Pants (@DoannaldT) October 30, 2020
Today we set the year to date record for infections and 940 died as of 7pm central time. It’s getting worse almost everywhere in America.
Hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved and our economy bolstered if action was taken in Feb/March.— Andrew Zimmern (@andrewzimmern) October 30, 2020
Donald Trump Jr.: "Why aren't they talking about deaths? Oh, oh, because the number is almost nothing because we've gotten control of this thing."
Coronavirus deaths in US yesterday: 1,016
Deaths over last 7 days: 5,579
Deaths on 9/11: 2,977
— Peter Baker (@peterbakernyt) October 30, 2020
I know the messaging they are trying to push. But this is, in any other circumstance, the type of utterance that would kill a normal campaign. We’ve had around 1,000k deaths each of the last two days and the president’s son and top campaign surrogate calls it “almost nothing”
— Sam Stein (@samstein) October 30, 2020
The trump kids are terrible surrogates, terrible people and terrible at politics. But junior does have a lot of facial hair.
— Molly Jong-Fast🏡 (@MollyJongFast) October 30, 2020
Who needs a vaccine when you have a mirror full of coke?
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) October 30, 2020
Did you loose a loved one today? @DonaldJTrumpJr thinks they are "nothing."#BidenHarris2020
— Susan Hulett (@SusanHulett) October 30, 2020
Over a thousand deaths *yesterday* alone. This pandemic is racing toward becoming the third deadliest mass casualty event in American history with no signs of letting up.
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) October 30, 2020
Every night, a different Trump goes on Fox News and says that the pandemic isn’t a big deal anymore.
And every night, the number of new cases and deaths keeps going up. Today, covid killed 1,049 Americans. Yesterday, it was 1,025.
“Almost nothing"
— Matt O'Brien (@ObsoleteDogma) October 30, 2020
Haven't 1000 people per day died this week?
— David Pakman (@dpakman) October 30, 2020
IKR? Who cares about 1,000 dead Americans a day?
How do the people who've lost someone feel about this? Or the people suffering from permanent after effects?
— Khashoggi’s Ghost (@UROCKlive1) October 30, 2020
Attention overloaded ICUs and field hospitals, Donald Trump Jr. says that what you are dealing with at the moment is nothing.
— Steward Beckham (@iTweetyNerd) October 30, 2020
TRUMP JR.: “Why aren’t they talking about deaths? Oh, because the number is almost nothing. Because we’ve gotten control of this thing.”
Almost 1000 people died today.
Hospitals are filling up all over.
88,000 cases today.
The Trumps are deadly liars.— The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) October 30, 2020
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