Trump ‘Exploded With Anger’ in Front of UK Leader After Learning He Missed a Putin Phone Call: Report

A one-time aide for former United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May has revealed that President Donald Trump blew up at a former national security adviser after learning he missed a phone call from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The U.K.-based Independent reports May’s former chief of staff, Nick Timothy, described how Trump “exploded with anger” about the missed call while appearing on the “What Were They Thinking” podcast.

“Somebody just mentioned in passing that Vladimir Putin had asked for a call with him, and right in front us he absolutely shouted down Mike Flynn,” Timothy explained. “Like really shouted. This was at a formal dinner with butlers and fancy crockery – and he was properly shouting at him down the table.”

According to Timothy, Trump told Flynn that “if Putin wants a call with me you just put him through.”

The former aide to the prime minister said that the conversation was “not especially reassuring about the state of [Trump’s] mind, or the stability of decision-making in the White House.”

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