‘Colonizing in the Name of Jesus’: Missionary Leader Blasted for Trying to Convert Indigenous People to Christianity

Brooks Buser, the president of the Christian ministry training organization Radius International is under fire after bragging about converting people in Papua New Guinea to Christianity – especially during a pandemic.

“Tomorrow night, deep in the mountains of Papua New Guinea, after 5 months of teaching that started in Genesis 1:1, the gospel will be presented to the Amdu people for the first time in their known history,” Buser tweeted. “Please be praying for the missionary team.”

Based in Arizona, Radius International doesn’t call it “converting.”

Instead, they call converting indigenous people in lands on the other side of the planet “the great commission,” and “cross-cultural church planting.”

Here’s what they say they do:

“Radius International is committed to assisting the evangelical church and missions community by providing pre-field missionary training that will equip cross-cultural workers to achieve their objective of partnering with Jesus Christ to establish healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches among unreached people groups.”

Let’s look st that again: “cross-cultural workers,” “partnering with Jesus Christ,” “reproducing churches,” “unreached people groups.”

He later tweeted their “success”:

On social media many are furious.



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