Trump to Deliver Presidential Speech on Race Relations – Written by White Nationalist Stephen Miller: Report

For several days top Trump White House aides have been debating if President Donald Trump should deliver an address to the nation on race relations. As the George Floyd protests enter their third week, with no sign of stopping, it appears the decision has been made that he will.

And drafting that speech is Senior Advisor to the President Stephen Miller, a white nationalist.

“The White House is preparing a speech on race relations written by Stephen Miller, who crafted the Trump Administration’s immigration plan along the southern border with Mexico,” CNN political analyst April Ryan writes in a report for American Urban Radio Networks.

Miller is an uber-powerful top White House advisor who is responsible for the President’s anti-immigrant policies, Trump’s anti-Islam travel ban, Trump’s decision to effectively ban refugees, and more.

Among Miller’s achievements is the intentional separation from their families of countless thousands of migrant children, who were caged and housed in tent cities in the Texas and Arizona heat. These children often lack basic life necessities, including food, water, sanitations, and healthcare. The Trump administration even went to court to deprive them of soap.

Some of them are just 13 months old. U.S. government policy under the Trump administration, crafted by Miller, is to not just separate children from their parents, but even from their other siblings if they are not the same sex.

Miller, who is linked to the “alt-right,” called separating the children “a simple decision.”

Last year the Southern Poverty Law Center reported that just before “the 2016 election, White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist literature, pushed racist immigration stories and obsessed over the loss of Confederate symbols after Dylann Roof’s murderous rampage, according to leaked emails reviewed by Hatewatch.”

“The emails, which Miller sent to the conservative website Breitbart News in 2015 and 2016, showcase the extremist, anti-immigrant ideology that undergirds the policies he has helped create as an architect of Donald Trump’s presidency.”

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