Trump Brags About National Guard Breaking Up Protestors ‘Like a Knife Cutting Butter’ – Then Tries to Steal Credit

President Donald Trump was so impressed with the National Guard in Minneapolis dispersing protestors he again tried to steal credit from the Governor of Minnesota for deploying them.

“But we are very proud of the fact that I called, I said, ‘I’m sorry, we have to have them go in.’ And they went in. And it was like a knife cutting butter. Right through,” the President told a group of mostly white megachurch goers Thursday afternoon at a campaign-style rally event Thursday in Dallas.

“I’ll never forget – you saw the scene, on that road wherever it may be, in the city. Minneapolis. They were lined up, they just walked straight,” Trump said.

“Yes. There was some tear gas and probably some other things,” Trump admitted.


Trump is in Dallas holding a taxpayer-funded discussion the White House is calling by the campaign’s slogan: “Roundtable on Transition to Greatness: Restoring, Rebuilding, and Renewing.” Tonight he will attend a private fundraiser where he is expected to pull in $10 million.

Related: Trump Jets to Dallas to Give Talk on Race and Policing – Snubs City’s Top Law Enforcement Officials Who Are Black


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