Exit Polls Show Voters Trust Biden More in a Crisis – Former VP Projected Winner of Mississippi and Missouri Primaries

Former Vice President Joe Biden is the projected winner of the Mississippi Democratic primary, MSNBC reports, and the projected winner of the Missouri Democratic primary, the AP reports.

Exit polls show voters prefer the former Vice President over Senator Bernie Sanders to handle a crisis, such as the coronavirus pandemic, CNN reports. Biden entered the White House with President Barack Obama as the 2008 global financial crisis was decimating and terrorizing the nation.

“Roughly half of Democratic primary voters in Michigan as well as in Washington state said they trust Biden most among the Democratic candidates to handle a major crisis,” CNN notes. “In Missouri, preliminary exit poll results show Biden’s edge on this measure is wider: About 6 in 10 say they trust him most to handle a major crisis, while about a quarter named Sanders.”

Going into Tuesday’s “mini Super Tuesday,” Biden had 652 delegates, Sanders had 575. 1991 are needs to cinch the nomination.

Currently, Biden now has 693 delegates and Sanders now has 590. Those number will change as the night’s results continue to come in.

MSNBC reports Sanders is performing 10 points worse with Missouri Black voters than he did in 2016.

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