Trump Makes Case for Assassination Worse: ‘I Can Reveal That I Believe It Probably Would’ve Been Four Embassies’

President Donald Trump took to Fox News to defend his assassination of Qasem Soleimani. In an exclusive interview with the conservative cable channel’s Laura Ingraham the president said killing the Iranian general labeled a terrorist was necessary to fend off supposed imminent attacks.

“I can reveal that I believe it probably would’ve been four embassies” that Soleimani would have targeted, Trump said, in an interview that will air Friday night. “We will tell you that probably it was going to be the embassy in Baghdad.”

CNN fact checker Daniel Dale, who reviews all of Trump’s remarks, weighs in:

Meanwhile, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was equally unspecific earlier Friday.

“We had specific information on an imminent threat and that threat stream included attacks on U.S. embassies. Period. Full stop,” he said during a news conference. When a reporter asked him what ‘imminent” meant, he said: “It was going to happen.”

Categories: SAY AGAIN?
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