SCOTUS Grants Trump His ObamaCare Wish – Will Not Review Case to Kill Health Care Law Before Election

The U.S. Supreme Court has just given President Donald Trump and Republicans their wish. A case brought by red state Republican attorneys general and backed by President Trump and his administration found ObamaCare unconstitutional. Democrats want the nation’s top court to take it up but Republicans don’t want to face voters before the 2020 election if they win and ObamaCare is voided.

Democrats asked the Supreme Court to take the case now. The Court Tuesday morning refused. Had the Supreme Court taken the case it either would have strengthened ObamaCare, or voided it. Either way, Republicans would have paid at the polls.

Now Republicans, who are working hard to destroy ObamaCare, will not have to face voters on the issue until after the election.

President Trump, who repeatedly has lied to the American people, is claiming he is working to protect people with pre-existing conditions, while actively supporting the Republican case that could be the end of ObamaCare, and thus, protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

This is a breaking news and developing story. Details may change. This story will be updated, and NCRM will likely publish follow-up stories on this news. Stay tuned and refresh for updates.


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