Michael Moore on Repeat: Bernie Sanders Could Beat Trump in 2020

Surprise, surprise! Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore appeared on Hardball and publicly endorsed Bernie Sanders for president in 2020. Not only that, the progressive documentarian said he truly believed a Sanders-Trump showdown would result in the 78-year-old taking the prize. Sound familiar?

It’s not the first time Sanders has been endorsed by Moore. He famously threw his support behind the New Yorker in 2016 when he ran against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

He wrote at the time: “If Hillary’s biggest selling point as to why you should vote for her is, ‘Bernie’s a socialist!’ or ‘A socialist can’t win!,’ then she’s lost.”

Well, she lost, but we won’t get into that right now.

Could Moore be right in his assumption that a Sanders ticket would secure a Trump dynasty reversal in 2020? There’s only one way to find out – and that’s if he gets the nomination this time around.

Watch the video clip below.

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