McConnell Whines House Inquiry Was ‘Rushed and Rigged’ After Admitting He Plans to Rush and Rig Trump’s Senate Trial

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) complained in a floor speech Thursday that the House “rushed and rigged” the impeachment hearings. But he then admitted that he would basically do the same thing if it came to the Senate.

McConnell began by trashing the Democrats for the rushed hearings, which the Democrats have said is because President Donald Trump’s crimes were that egregious and that “obvious.” The 2020 election has already begun and Democrats have said that it is important to work swiftly because the president is already working to hurt the election.

Republicans argued that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation took too long, but now they’re saying that the Ukraine scandal investigation was too short. McConnell didn’t outline how long exactly an investigation should take in his extensive speech to the nation.

But when speaking before the Senate, McConnell said that he intended to also rush the Senate trial of Trump to get it over with. McConnell has said that he doesn’t want to call any witnesses and hold a vote without having an actual trial. Trump, by contrast, he has said wants witnesses and a trial.

Ironically, McConnell warned that if Democrats impeach Trump “for no good reason” then it could open up the possibility that Republicans could do the same to a Democratic president. The vote to impeach former President Bill Clinton for lying about his extra-marital affair took place 21 years ago this month.

The Senate leader also lambasted Democrats’ process, saying that “precedent” matters. Former federal prosecutor Cynthia Alksne pointed out that McConnell tends to believe in “precedent” only when it’s convenient for him.

McConnell bragged on Tuesday that he is not an impartial juror and stands firmly behind the president.

You can watch the video of McConnell below:


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