Spewing Conspiracy Theories and Rambling and Ranting Trump Goes Off the Rails in Fox News Interview (Video)

‘Highest Levels’ of Obama Administration Spied on Him Says Trump

President Donald Trump went off-the-rails when he called in to “Fox & Friends” Friday morning. For 57 minutes straight with no commercials the fast-talking President spewed conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, tossed around lies and personal attacks against top Democrats, including coming close to saying once again that President Barack Obama spied on him and his campaign.

“They thought I was going to win and said ‘how can we stop him?'” Trump said of Obama and his administration.

“You’re dealing at the highest levels of government. They were spying on my campaign. This is my opinion,” Trump said.

Host Steve Doocy interjected: “How high did it go?”

“Personally, I think it goes all the way,” Trump replied. He then mentioned by name John Brennan, James Clapper, and Susan Rice.

Trump once again tossed out conspiracy theories about the DNC server that was hacked, claiming Democratic Party officials “gave the server to Crowdstrike.”

That’s false.

Here’s CNN fact checker Daniel Dale:

CNN’s Jake Tapper weighs in:

To defend his illegal extortion of Ukraine Trump claims the U.S. is the only country giving money to Ukraine. That’s false:




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