‘Like Tweets From the Wizard of Oz’: Trump Mocked After Citing His ‘Great and Unmatched Wisdom’ to Defend Syria Decision

“Is it me or is this utterly demented?”

President Donald Trump is citing his “great and unmatched wisdom” to defend what even his closest supporters and allies are calling his irresponsible decision to pull out of Northern Syria, opening up the region to Turkey which will wipe out America’s allies in the fight against ISIS. He also just threatened Turkey, a NATO ally, saying he will “totally destroy and obliterate” their economy if they do anything he considers “to be off limits.”

Many say Trump just paved to road to genocide of the Kurds.

Still others, like his former UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley, say Trump leaving the Kurds “to die” is a “big mistake.”

Here are the extremist threats Trump just made against NATO ally Turkey, after moving to support them over the Kurds:

Remember, in August Trump declared himself “the chosen one” and said he is “the second coming of God,” and the “King of Israel.”

Here’s how some are responding to Trump’s latest tweets:

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