Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Trump – Accountants Must Hand Over President’s Personal Financial Records

Accountant May Have Trump’s Tax Returns

A D.C. federal appeals court has ruled in favor of House Democrats and against President Donald Trump. The ruling states Trump’s accountant must obey a congressional subpoena and hand over his personal financial records, Bloomberg News reports. A lower court also ruled his accountant, Mazars USA LLP, must hand over the records.

“Contrary to the President’s arguments, the Committee possesses authority under both the House Rules and the Constitution to issue the subpoena, and Mazars must comply,” U.S. Circuit Judge David Tatel wrote.

“There’s a lot of speculation, but it seems that the accounting firm has tax returns and other documents that will show President Trump and his family and associates involved in all sorts of deals,” Washington lawyer David Dorsen, who served as assistant chief counsel to the U.S. Senate’s Watergate Committee in the 1970s, said in an interview before the ruling was issued. Lawmakers will want to know whether documents show “payoffs to people in Russia, Ukraine and elsewhere,” he said.

The ruling, as Courthouse News notes, says separation of powers exists to “save the people from autocracy.”

The ruling is here.

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