Defense Dept. Deploying New Troops to Middle East Over Tensions in Turkey Days After Trump Pulls Out US Forces

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper will be deploying up to 1800 new  troops into the Middle East in response to the tensions caused when President Donald Trump pulls U.S. forces out of Northern Syria. The Commander-in-Chief’s move has led to dozens of deaths, mostly civilians, and the displacement of at least 100,000 people, after Turkish dictator Recep Erdogan began an immediate assault on the Kurds, who are allies of the U.S. and helped in the fight against ISIS.

Bloomberg News reports the “new deployment of U.S. forces to the Middle East” will begin “as tensions rise over Turkey’s military operations in northern Syria and an explosion on an Iranian oil tanker.”

In defending his highly-criticized decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Northern Syria, Trump repeatedly said he was fulfilling his promise to end “endless wars.”

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