Anti-LGBT NRA Supporting Tomi Lahren Delivers Insane New Claim: Gun Rights Are Gay Rights

Tomi Lahren is aligning herself very closely with the NRA in the wake of two mass shootings that stole the lives of 31 people in El Paso and Dayton over the weekend. The anti-LGBT hyper-partisan Fox Nation host who has been called “white power Barbie” told “Fox and Friends” viewers Wednesday morning that gun rights are gay rights, after airing a clip from her interview with the NRA’s social media manager.

“You know, when I interviewed Billy McLaughlin it was actually during Pride month. He wrote an excellent article in The Washington Post talking about how gun rights are also LGBT rights and he also happens to be gay and the social media director of the NRA in his 20’s, so the NRA really does represent everybody,” Lahren claimed, falsely, while also plugging her Fox Nation show.

“Gun rights really are human rights and he attests that perfectly,” she concluded. Her remarks were toward the end of her segment in this Fox News video:

Earlier in the segment Lahren attacked liberals for what she called “liberal privilege,” which she literally defined as liberals having the belief they can criticize anyone they want, then pivoting to the false claim that “gun rights are human rights.”

Lahren is no friend to the LGBTQ community.

Also during Pride month Lahren proudly endorsed the upcoming straight pride parade, telling viewers, “I’m not afraid to say it. I’m straight and proud. There, deal with it!”

She lamented, “Sadly, at least in Boston, straight people aren’t allowed to parade their heterosexuality for all to see,” while claiming it is “open-season on straight white men in this country.”

The LGBT community is not the only minority Lahren has attacked. She has compared Black Lives Matter to the KKK.

Categories: NOPE NOPE NOPE
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