Trump Uses Slur to Praise Right Wing Social Media Extremists for ‘Unbelievable’ Posts at White House ‘Summit’

President Donald Trump’s “social media summit” was open to the press for only part of the time but some images, video, and stories managed to get out, and it seems like the summit was more remedial than advanced.

Trump praised attendees – reportedly mostly right wing extremists, Trump supporters, conspiracy theorists, and bigots – for the “unbelievable” “crap” they post.


It’s impossible to know what “crap” the President was referring to but it would not be a stretch to presume he’s talking about conspiracy theories, fake news, and false attacks on the left.

It’s unclear why the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., was invited {screenshot above.)

As some predicted the “summit” – which did not include any representatives from actual social media platforms – was an opportunity for Trump to complain about how unfair social media platforms are to him (which they are not).

CNN’s Daniel Dale:

Conservative social media producer Caleb Hull noted the Trump White House’s inability to spell:


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